I was watching a movie last nite and thought to myself, How come once a couple gets married, all of a sudden the sex is gone? well not gone but it aint what it used to be. In the beginning, it was all exciting, the dates, the surprise visits, spontaneous actions. Its like that saying,"It was all good just a week ago" but in this case , it was all good some years ago. Married couples have a different outlook on whats important in a relationship. When your married its ,Are the bills paid, Are the kids all set for school the next day, Is the house clean, and so on so forth. I've heard some married men state that it comes with the territory. Im used to it.But I dont know if all men can get used to this. Tiger Woods, Did u go thru this too? lol...Now this question is for the woman out there. What happends? What is lost? I know a lot of times, the words "Im not in the mood or Im tired" come to play but what makes you guys more tired than us? It drives me crazy to see senarios play out like that. Like in the movie "I think i love my wife". Here you have a beautiful woman and a man in a nice healthy looking marriage taking care of things, but the man is in need of satisfaction..And she isnt providing that. He gets the cold shoulder, the DENY stamp. And then in walks another woman willing to put that spice back on the food, add a little flavor to the meal, and he has to resist and respect the fact that he is married...Now Chris Rock was a funny character in that sense cause he had no clue what to do...But she forced his hand and look what happend. hahaha. My favorite part was when he was shopping with his wife and she picked up some granny panties and he was trying to offer her some more sexy panties but she DENIED him...then comes the other woman with those same sexy undies in hand..Too funny... But we are forced to deal with it...But anywho, thats all im saying..Where does it all go? What makes us lose that sexual drive that we once had? if anyone can answer that without using the same old lines of being tired or not in the mood, or not feeling sexy right now, i would lend my open ear....Cause I simply dont get it...But WHo AM I?